Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Story

About 2 ½ years ago I gave birth to my first child. Prior to having him I was a middle school teacher. I had planned on going back to teaching, but the moment I laid eyes on that little baby I knew there was no going back. So I decided to stay home-full time. I nursed my son for 14 months and after I was done I decided that I needed to do something for me. So I took a look at that “bucket list” of mine and decided I was going to run a marathon. Before I continue let me tell you that I was NEVER a runner, not athletic and I certainly never ran a race before. So I started my 20 week training plan and soon realized that if I was really going to accomplish this goal I couldn’t continue eating ice cream at night and taking NO supplements. There was a girl at my church who I knew sold some sort of vitamins so I had her come and talk to me. Sarah Hein introduced me to Shaklee and I fell in LOVE with the products. Not only did they help me reach my goal (yes I ran the FULL 26.2 mile in 4 hours and 20 min) but they really made me feel healthy. So fast forward about 6 months- I was still using the products but had NO desire to work for Shaklee. I was a teacher- not a salesman. I was getting the itch to go back to teaching-although I really loved being with my son. There was an opening at the local elementary school so I thought-what the heck I am going to apply. Well I applied and didn’t get an interview and later found out that there was no place for a teacher with her Master’s Degree in the field of education because they would have to pay me too much. That’s when I started to look at Shaklee a little differently. In May I decided with my best friend that we were going to do this. By June I was a director and in August my best friend broke off as a director. I am SO glad I decided to take another look at Shaklee as more than my supplier of nutritional supplements. I am with my son, but building my own Shaklee business.

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